Temp.PM (formely known as ParaNote) stands for Temporary Private Message. You can create messages which will self-destruct after being read or after a timer expires if they won't be read in time. We have a strong emphasis on security and privacy.
Only those who have the complete message URL can decrypt/read the message which means that we can't give decrypted messages to third-parties or even to our own admins, even if we wanted to!
Compared to many other similar services and projects - Temp.PM is actively developed, it has many security features that others don't have and it's compatible with almost every web browser and device.
• Double encrypted with 256-bit AES (message content + file system)
• Secure deletion with 7-pass shred
• Forced HTTPS/TLS connection
• Self-destruction timer
• Bruteforce protection
• Optional custom password protection
• Dedicated server located in Europe
• Free & open source
• No swap, no cache, no logs, no tracking, no backups, no ads!
Updated every 15 minutes.
• Unread / waiting: |
4119 |
• Written in 1 / 7 / 30 days: |
8142 / 63667 / 265187 |
• Page hits in 24 hours: |
34149 |
Temp.PM is 100% free to use but of course it costs us money to run it, so donations of any size are appreciated.
BTC: 1temp5Y5VzJevLpRedW8zZFrMWuadL3UR
XMR: 44eqLTosyRUXbNV7JexcCCTDFcVR7kdQTAM6viiJmkSTZouKH2v19vtY8wh1jX2CCi43QL3Sq1bKYLdPj1CucfHsLfczwDx
LTC: LQyGgwf3RPejsqZQi9CmBprLPkibRoadfZ
ETH: 0x4D76D479Fb924FA1847c2A5f9aEDB3e8E566D5e5
BCH: 1KYm4qxhAWPAgeB1d2cjXQqxN8PBNhRfFP
DSH: XoaprXu4HFRTV91kxiBKvkYkhQwabaNYy8
ZEC: t1HwNiLCPi45kc6udrgr6rhxe3AkQn6rHdq
Version & source code
Site is currently running on v3.8.6 (15.12.2018).
Git repository will be set up some day. In the mean time, the source code can be downloaded
here but it may not always be the most recent version, email us to make sure.